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Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) February 28, 2025 at 05:01 PM

Hey Cabbies (is that a thing?) I saw this post and interview from @Irene Yam on LinkedIn, it looked like a good share for all of you.

Do you know Eric Prosser? https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ireneyam_customer-advisory-board-cab-veteran-eric-acti[…]m=member_desktop&rcm=ACoAAAGvhVgB5SAn4yoFG6PJCwww9GBRY_9IhlE

Amy February 17, 2025 at 07:23 PM

CAB experts say 6 months minimum to establish a CAB (define objectives, qualify customers, coordinate logistics, confirm an agenda). CABs are meant to be the beginning of a process, a formal program with more than one meeting. If your team wants to do this right the first time they should allow time to create something that customers will find value in and want to participate in the program.

Jennifer Lyons February 17, 2025 at 06:15 PM

What are some good strategies to get executives to ‘do the work’ necessary to support a real, interactive CAB? For example, in a start-up org and the PE folks and board want a real CAB established within a quarter.

Amy February 16, 2025 at 08:10 PM

Another cool resource for CAB best practices https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcEqEgN4SzvzViC0r27nwZGm2loniuPgE

Jeanne Talbot February 15, 2025 at 08:04 PM

For those of you interested in CAB best practices, here’s a great Q1 checklist from Farland Group. https://www.farlandgroup.com/advice-insight/customer-advisory-boards-first-quarter-checklist

Amy Ng February 12, 2025 at 10:58 PM

Hey team 👋 As luck would have it, Captivate's very own @Elizabeth Hammersley will be sharing her CAB best practices at our next 'Talk Advocacy to Me' event on March 4th! https://www.linkedin.com/events/talkadvocacytome-elizabethgordo7295566425174220801/theater/

Jennifer Lyons February 10, 2025 at 07:05 PM

What are the best resources and training for learning how to successfully run CABs? Years ago I was looking at a training workshop that was quite expensive. Is it better to learn hands-on by doing?

Jennifer Lyons February 07, 2025 at 04:12 PM

Hi Everyone! I’m working on a presentation on launching a CAB for the final phase of the interview process. As part of the presso they asked me to look into best practices & insights for CABs in similar industries. Their solution targets high school athletic directors and coaches. Do any of you run a CAB that targets programmatic leaders at schools? Or can someone help me with my AI promt? This one seemed to work the best but it yielded very large company examples

“Find examples of successful customer advisor board programs for technology products serving high school extracurricular programs.”

Megan Ferenz February 04, 2025 at 02:35 PM

Hi all! What are we doing to get customer content out of a CAB event? We're having our event in march onsite and would love to get some great content from our top customers. I want to be mindful of their time, so I was wondering what others have done (as this is my first) - thanks!

Cameron Olshansky February 03, 2025 at 09:43 PM

Hi CAB people! I'm presenting our CAB program recommendations to my LT next week and am hoping to share how other orgs are running their programs to give them a sense of what to expect. If you have a moment, would you mind threading or DMing me with answers to a handful of questions? Hoping it'll only take you a minute or two!

• Your industry/vertical/who are your customers?
• Is your CAB mostly executives/senior LT or a mixture of levels?
• How many CAB members do you have? Do they have a commitment timeframe? 2 years, 1 year, etc?
• Do you offer them stock options or some sort of tangible offering for participating? If so, what?
• How many times do you meet per year? Are they mostly virtual or in-person? A mixture?
Thanks so much for taking the time.

Britt Bennett January 27, 2025 at 04:30 PM

Hey all - I am re-launching our CABs after a year hiatus.
I'm pulling together recommendations for our Product Marketing and Product Team (they "own" the program regarding final decisions, content, goals, etc.) for the re-launch.
I, of course, have a massively long laundry list of recommendations I would love to see happen and am culling that.
But I also wanted to reach out to others who are active CAB managers.

If you were able to start brand new on a refreshed Advisory Program what are:
• Top non-negotiable components you feel are necessary to make the program successful
• Dream items (big or small) that you think would make your program better and if there weren't certain roadblocks you would be implementing them.

Mara Schoeppner January 02, 2025 at 10:40 PM

Hey hey happy 2025!! I’m trying to trim down our CAB costs in the new year. In the past we’ve covered 2 nights hotel and now I’m trying to create an agenda for 1 night with at least a full day of meeting time. This is for a stand alone CAB it is not tied to a user conference/event.

Our standard agenda looks like this:
Arrival + welcome reception
full day meeting + dinner
1/2 day meeting + departures

Does anyone do an arrival + meeting on the same day or late departures after the meeting?!

Emily Gover December 16, 2024 at 11:15 PM

Hey all 👋 I'd love to hear what folks are using as their KPIs and metrics of success for CAB... it feels like a pie you can slice 10 different ways sometimes.

This past year we had the following, with an indicator on how we fared tracking them. I'd love to hear how you measure success of your CAB programs as we re-assess our strategy for 2025. Thank you 🙏

• Number of ideas accepted and implemented
• Acts of advocacy
• Customer satisfaction w/ CAB program
• Pipeline and revenue influenced
• Engagement/attendance rate to CAB events
• 🔴 WAU growth/deepened product usage of CAB accounts

Shelly Ryder November 19, 2024 at 10:16 PM

For in person CAB meetings (which are not recorded), we have the challenge of missing out on everything that was covered at each table, and who said what. Relying on our own employees at each of the tables to take detailed notes is not ideal as we want them to be part of the conversation. So I'm thinking of hiring a couple of local notetakers. Anyone done this?

Elizabeth Hammersley October 21, 2024 at 11:50 AM

@Lauren Stefano I relate to this so much! It sounds like they really trust you which is such a blessing and a curse. Some execs love to wing it and it’s not the vibe were going for hahah

@Shelly Ryder That sounds like a great approach! I do think it’s all in the prep.

Lisa Wilberding October 16, 2024 at 07:10 PM

Hello fellow CABbies! Is anyone going to the Customer Advisory Board Conference in Boston Monday Oct 21? I'll be there!

Lauren Stefano October 10, 2024 at 12:14 PM

The exec wrangling is always an adventure. Having a great relationship with the EA has helped a lot, and I also think the execs are seeing the value of both the meetings and the prep the more CABs they attend. But it's still a challenge to get to the top of their list as far ahead as I would like. In our most recent round talking about slides, one exec said "surprise me and I'll make a good story of out of it" 😆. I appreciate having the vote of confidence, but not exactly what I'm going for in this situation

Elizabeth Hammersley October 10, 2024 at 11:37 AM

Thank you all so much for your advice! This is incredibly helpful and reassuring at the same time. Great tips on prep, timing, that I’ll definitely use.

The prep is so important. I’m not sure if you all run into this, but wrangling the execs in my company can be very challenging - they see the CAB as extremely valuable, but we’re often scrambling and so the prep (which is the most important) feels rushed.

I’m happy to chat CABs anytime! I’ve done 4 in person and this will be my second virtual - the first one was obviously a little hairy (from my perspective) so wanted to connect with others about how they plan and execute. Really appreciate you all for taking the time to give your advice 🙂

Jill Liles October 08, 2024 at 02:07 PM

We have a virtual CAB coming up this week actually so this is fresh in my mind 😉 We do 1.5 hours, but keep each segment fairly short. We have one member interview/deep dive on a hot topic in the industry, and then a second segment is a guided open conversation amongst all the members where they've seen the questions ahead of time.

We have been doing an in-person and a virtual 6 months apart, but we've recently begun toying with the idea of holding shorter virtuals each quarter, but keeping the 1 in-person.

Lauren Stefano October 08, 2024 at 01:04 PM

We've had success with 2 hour virtual meetings, but always include a 10-minute break after an hour. I agree with the advice to share discussion topics ahead of time to allow members to come prepared

Elizabeth Hammersley October 07, 2024 at 08:23 PM

@here Hey everyone! Wondering if anyone has advice or best practices for engaging virtual CAB meetings? We’ve had two in person CAB meetings this year with our North American Cohort and EMEA Cohort and we’re doing a virtual meeting at the end of October to gather the two cohorts as we head into 2025. The meeting will only be about 1.5-2 hours and we have 15 members in total across the board. So lots of attendee’s and not a ton of time, but I want to ensure it’s useful, people feel heard/can share and we make the most out of the time.

Thanks in advance!

Jill Liles September 11, 2024 at 07:01 PM

We have had good results doing a "Voice of the Customer" section where we ask them to prep in advance to answer a set of questions (either with slides or just think about their answers). In the spring we were asking about their priorities for the year, roadblocks they were anticipating, and how we could help them meet & overcome them. It sparked a lot of conversation between the members who saw they all had a lot of similar issues.

Lauren Stefano August 26, 2024 at 09:40 PM

I also keep thinking that everyone must be sick of talking about AI, but it seems like I'm the only one . For our next virtual meeting, we're going to share our readout and a preview of our 2025 plans, and then I think we're going to discuss team structures (the different approaches our members are taking to structuring their teams, and pros/cons of different options). While it won't be directly tied to our product, I think we'll get some good insight into their areas of investment/priority and their thought processes

Shelly Ryder August 26, 2024 at 08:49 PM

Thanks Lauren! We definitely had a good discussion at our CAB last week around AI, where we sent out a survey in advance and discussed survey results at the meeting. At our in person CAB earlier this year, we did a topics voting survey and AI and Technology Adoption (not only with our product) were the two most popular topics they wanted to talk about. Technology Adoption was also a favorite topic at our 2023 in person CAB, followed by Innovation & Process Improvement. We had customers volunteer to lead roundtables on those topics (we called it "Table Topics") and it was a fantastic discussion. They worked at their tables for 30 minutes, then every table did a 30 minute readout/discussion with the entire room to get everyone involved. Definitely a hit and several CAB members said it was the best CAB they ever attended. But how to replicate that in virtual CABs? There's got to be more than AI that is of interest to C-Level IT leaders.

Lauren Stefano August 26, 2024 at 08:37 PM

We are trying to focus on listening to the execs to inform our strategy/roadmap. We give them some high-level questions around a big topic like AI, and then listen as they discuss as a group. We all learn a ton! As I've explained it our CTO who loves the JTBD framework, we're looking to our CAB to help us identify the jobs. Then our job is to take all of that feedback and use it to help us figure out how to help them get those jobs done. And next time, when we share an update on our plans, it will be through the lens of "we heard you say that you need to do X, so we are building Y capabilities that allow you to do that"

Tip: Use quotes for exact phrases, "from:username" to filter search results by user