Emily Gover's Profile

Emily Gover

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#general - September 03, 2024 at 11:00 PM

Is anyone at the CMA Summit in San Francisco this week?

#discussions - June 24, 2024 at 08:46 PM

@Emily Smith we talked about this a bit a couple months ago when we huddled on Zoom — lmk if you want to chat again 🙂

#general - May 23, 2024 at 08:29 PM

The contract terms on our release forms at my last company included a sentence or two on having permission to create derivative works. We rarely got pushback from customers on that

#random - May 20, 2024 at 09:04 PM

When a customer says "[product] has made us a more productive team!" and the Legal team responds, asking for receipts for data with a +/- 5% confidence range that what they're saying is true

#random - May 20, 2024 at 09:03 PM

This speaks to me 💀

#general - May 17, 2024 at 08:45 PM

Love that idea @Lauren Stefano!

#general - May 17, 2024 at 07:14 PM

My scratchpad of Qs... • What was one of your team's/company's biggest accomplishments from last year? • What are the top areas of focus/projects for you team/company this year? • Tell us about a project you worked on during your career that you're particularly proud of. • What has changed most about your field in the last 1-5 years? • How do you think your industry will change in the next 1-5 years?

#general - May 17, 2024 at 07:14 PM

Hi everyone 👋 For those who run Customer Advisory Boards, *I would love to pick your brains about meaningful prompts/questions you've asked to facilitate peer networking and relationship building* among customers. While a key focus is of course on product feedback, I want to ensure that we are dedicating time for our customers to get to know — and learn from — one another. Our first CAB will have breakout rooms segmented by role type. Dropping some questions I'm considering (besides the usual "Tell us about your role and company" and casual icebreakers) in 🧵 — would love to hear your thoughts as well...

#general - April 17, 2024 at 05:06 PM

Count me in as well, please 🙂

#general - April 15, 2024 at 09:16 PM

How do you all conduct post-program feedback surveys? What kind of questions do you ask? We are wrapping up a product feedback program that has been running for about 4 months. I'm planning to send a feedback survey to both customers and internal stakeholders to assess impact. Would love to understand how others have approached this

#welcome - April 10, 2024 at 08:41 PM

Yay @Carly! Look who's joining in on the fun @Bree Bunzel

#random - March 22, 2024 at 08:13 PM

Totally — we would always remove churned customers and had a fairly streamlined workflow to stay on top of that, so we could tackle the takedowns before the customer noticed (happy to share how we operationalized that if anyone is interested). The worst part was when they would churn before we even published the story. 😭 RIFs also impacted this at my past gig: we filmed two awesome advocates, who were our primary points of contact for approvals. Both got laid off about a month after we filmed, and no one who remained at the company would permit us to finish it. We were gutted.

#announcements - March 20, 2024 at 11:22 PM

All I've heard is high praise for Deeto across the board 👀

#announcements - March 20, 2024 at 11:21 PM

Thank you so much!

#random - March 19, 2024 at 05:37 PM

+1 to removing once the customer churns. Creating customer stories at my past gig was a slog, there were times where the customer would churn while the content was in the middle of production 💀 What we learned from that was to prioritize accounts that had at least 1-2 years left on their contract

#announcements - March 18, 2024 at 06:07 PM

Thank you @Stephanie Murphy! Sending you a DM 🙂 This kicked my butt in gear to just set up time for my own demo with them

#general - March 06, 2024 at 03:46 PM

I did this at my previous company; we called them Customer Roundtables. Each month we would work with the sales team to identify a handful of deals within a specific criteria (industry, use case, org size, etc.), and would invite them to an informal Zoom meeting with 2 customers that also fit that criteria I would moderate the discussion with a set of questions to guide the conversation, and then open it up for more Q&A from the prospects. We did not record the meeting, and I was the only person from the company in the meeting — we intentionally put the customers front and center and wanted the company (me) to be more in the background We found this to be a slightly more scalable way to do reference calls, and saved internal bandwidth to coordinate 1:1 reference calls for really high-value deals

#influitive - March 05, 2024 at 07:32 PM

This is really helpful, thank you Mary!

#influitive - March 05, 2024 at 05:35 PM

Thanks, Mary — I've been poking around the Influitive support pages. I'm interested to learn about personal experiece, i.e. if anyone here has successfully implemented it, what blockers they hit during implementation, how it's helped them, pros/cons, etc.

#influitive - March 04, 2024 at 10:58 PM

Does anyone here have experience with the native reference program integration with Influitive? I am specifically interested in learning about the _Reference Request Tool_ within AdvocateHub, not the AppExchange integration

#influitive - February 15, 2024 at 05:14 PM

Oh gosh I'm sorry to hear that @Andréa Dooley 😩 @Diana Gabroveanu would you mind adding me to that space as well, whenever you have a moment?

#influitive - February 13, 2024 at 06:07 PM

Interesting, thank you @Diana Gabroveanu. The reason I asked is because we are corresponding with people regarding Influitive/Jigsaw whose emails/LinkedIns are tied to Aurea Software. Seems like they have multiple employees managing accounts across these different products...

#influitive - February 12, 2024 at 05:20 PM

Is anyone else going through renewal conversations with Influitive/Jigsaw currently? Also, can someone explain the difference between Jigsaw, Aurea Software, and ESW Capital? My understanding is ESW is the private equity parent company. Does Aurea own Jigsaw, which owns Influitive?

#announcements - February 08, 2024 at 05:07 PM

Thank you @Ciana Abdollahian and @Todd E Jones! Ciana, especially love that example of a special event with prospects and customers, _at a customer's venue_, and then having them come speak... brilliant!

#announcements - February 07, 2024 at 11:22 PM

Bit of a niche question — has anyone here had experience *leveraging corporate/sports sponsorships* for customer marketing activities and/or lead/demand gen? We may have one in the works, and this is a new realm for me...

#influitive - February 06, 2024 at 05:22 PM

Glad to hear it @Janelle Glover, hope the call goes well today! Our conversation with them was productive, but since then, we have not heard back on any of the follow-ups we summarized during the chat 😬

#influitive - February 05, 2024 at 09:22 PM

@Janelle Glover we ran into the same thing. After about a month, I got a response from a contact there, and we had a meeting with 3 members of the team today. I would encourage you to persist or email the CEO directly. I think I have her email from the webinar last week, please DM me if you'd like to go that route.

#announcements - February 05, 2024 at 09:15 PM

There were several times when we would refresh/update case studies if we saw the account continued to deepen its usage of the product and there was an added layer of a story to tell that would benefit our strategy. We usually did this on an ad hoc basis as we saw expansion deals come in

#announcements - February 05, 2024 at 09:14 PM

At my past gig, case studies were a very long process, so once we had all approvals in place to use it in our marketing, we kept it live — regardless if the interviewee(s) left the featured company We chose to only do case study takedowns if the customer fully churns. We had Airtable automations setup via Salesforce syncs that updated us in real time in Slack when a customer churned, and then we handed off the takedown process to the content and web team a bi-weekly basis

#announcements - January 30, 2024 at 01:00 PM

Hello friends 👋 Does your company have a referral program? I am doing some early stage research on how other brands are implementing referral programs to reward their customers and increase their sales pipeline, and would love to take a look at yours if so. I'm especially interested in how *SaaS businesses (B2B or B2C)* are structuring their referral programs (e.g. Airtable). Please share any recs (either your own, or ones that inspire you) in 🧵 — thank you!

#influitive - January 29, 2024 at 07:30 PM

Thanks for sharing; I just signed up. Interesting there is no time listed on the registration page, as far as I could tell...

#announcements - January 10, 2024 at 10:00 PM

We reached out to our AM yesterday and learned that he is also being let go (our CSM was let go last week). I reached out via the chatbot on the website as we are hoping to assess their Reference Management tool (anyone here have experience with that?) and got a "No one is available to help right now" message 😔 Not getting the best vibes from this right now

#announcements - January 10, 2024 at 07:20 PM

Chiming in quickly here — @Valeria Gomez what do you mean by the Calendar tool? The "Find a Time" scheduling tool built in Google Calendar doesn't always work well for me, in part because customers' calendars are sometimes not visible @Margo Schneider my two cents when playing calendar Tetris is to first select several time blocks across days of the week and time of day that take time zones into account. Depending on how many time zones you're working across, you may have very limited overlap — in which case, providing dates far enough in advance is super important In terms of tools to do it, I've tested out things like Google/Airtable Forms, Doodle Polls, etc. I do think polls are a little better, because folks can see everyone else's availability, and may be willing to accommodate a specific time if they see a large % of other participants can make that time. You could try that out with a tool like Doodle Poll or WhenAvailable

#announcements - September 20, 2023 at 04:00 PM

ahh, i see. we have implemented a referral program at our company as well for the B2B segment of our business. for context: we have a lot of agencies that use our platform, and we launched a small-scale referral program where they encourage their clients to purchase our software. it is still quite early stages, so it is hard to speak to ROI or ability to scale (it’s pretty high-touch right now), but for what it’s worth, our agency community is definitely <10,000 and has definitely helped close B2B deals

#announcements - September 20, 2023 at 03:25 PM

i don’t have any hard data to share on this either, but both of those statements are inaccurate in my experience. the company i work for is both B2B and B2C, and we have done reference calls for B2B and have had successful conversion rates on six-figure deals. the “10,000 customers to generate 1 referral” seems a bit far-fetched IMO (surely happy customers willing to speak with a prospect is more than 0.01%?)

#announcements - September 20, 2023 at 03:23 PM

hey everyone 👋 i am wondering if there’s anyone here who oversees owning *Reddit* as a channel, and how you balance said channel with your own community platform/efforts. we are gearing up for a community launch soon, and leadership wants us to have a “plan” in place for our brand’s subreddit, which is a bit of a ghost town, save the occasional support question or frustrated vent. i have some concerns/thoughts that i would like to hash out with someone who has had experience striking a balance between these two community channels. if this is something you have experience, with, *i’d love to chat over a (virtual) coffee on me* ☕ — please send me a DM, thank you!

#jobs - August 23, 2023 at 03:43 PM

yikes 😅

#announcements - August 15, 2023 at 05:11 PM

i’ve been working with our IR team at vimeo for about 18 months. it was rocky at first but we had a new VP come in and developed some workflows/resources that have made it less of a lift. happy to share — send a DM at your convenience 🙂

#announcements - August 11, 2023 at 06:14 PM

we use airtable to store testimonials. we keep the testimonial even if the person has left the company — the information about the person/role was true when the quote was shared, and with high turnover rates at many of the industries we work with (tech/saas), it was too much for us to audit whether quoted individuals were still at their company in terms of customer churn, we have an automation set up in airtable so that when the salesforce status of the customer indicates churn, we receive a slack notification alerting us. we then following a takedown/redirect workflow with the content + web teams

#announcements - August 10, 2023 at 05:36 PM

this is definitely not cool, but decidedly a piece of swag i use all the time — a company branded a teeny tiny double-ended screwdriver (one phillips, one flat) that i use *all the time* when i’m doing work around the house 😂 i think it was meant possibly for eyeglasses, but it’s now in our toolbox (and in regular rotation)

#announcements - July 19, 2023 at 05:46 PM

yikes @Jennifer Lyons i’m sorry you’ve been put in those situations. we’ve also had members of marketing + sales completely disregard contract terms for some of our larger logos. whenever i spot it, i tell them to remove it and remind them about the terms + importance of trust in our relationship with this customer — and where to check for approval usage of logos moving forward. if it becomes persistent, i have had to loop in our legal team once or twice, which usually ‘gets’ them to comply. one of the more challenging situations i was in was “going up against” our CEO who insisted we include some F50 company logos who expressly stated we cannot include them (!)