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Petra William

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#open-share - May 09, 2024 at 11:23 AM

Hi crew, aeons ago someone here posted a list of ways they engaged and created experiences for customers at their flagship event/conference and I was wondering if it was captured somewhere? They had the experience detailed from the on-site registration all the way to post event.

#open-share - May 09, 2024 at 10:49 AM

Thank you @Irwin Hipsman I like the structure your post brought to my thinking.

#open-share - April 22, 2024 at 02:59 PM

Hi folks, I’m getting an increasing number of requests to do in-person events for our customers but I feel the cross-functional stakeholders have different goals/objectives and I want to help them focus their efforts and be clear on the outcomes for the events before requesting one. I’m thinking of a putting together a playbook or scaled approach where they can pick an event based on their goal. Has anyone put together some sort of in-person events playbook for customers? Rough example in my mind: Goal: engagement 1x meetup per quarter 20-30 pax minimum Goal: Sales qualified leads 2x sales breakfast per quarter 5 opportunities 10 net new leads 1 customer spotlight Goal: thought leadership 2x roundtable discussions per year 10 unique customer logo’s per event, Senior manager and above only.

#general - March 14, 2024 at 02:06 PM

Hi there crew, wondering if anyone has a template or visual way to map types of advocacy (reference call, event speaker, case study, video, quotes, slides, etc.) to business goals/outcomes as a way to educate xfn stakeholders what to request when they want to request for social proof? I find that often people want the glitzy stuff like full blown case studies and highly edited videos but end up not using it and don’t get what they need. Or perhaps you’ve worked out a tiring system for type of content, impact, lift, and budget?

#general - March 14, 2024 at 01:59 PM

Am I too late to join this call @Heather Elliott @Irwin Hipsman ?

#lifecycle - December 12, 2023 at 05:15 AM

@Rebecca Grossman yes, super helpful, it is indeed such a high-level question that your points help with refinement. Appreciate it

#lifecycle - December 01, 2023 at 04:30 PM

Hi crew, does anyone have foundational advice /templates on approaching cross sell or upsell campaigns within the existing install base for a B2B SaaS/fintech company?

#random - November 02, 2023 at 08:08 PM

Hi crew, has anyone here used a diagram or any sort of tool, or knowledge base to help stakeholders, especially sales understand the following when it comes to the different types of advocacy you produce: 1. What the different type of advocacy pieces are and what it entails (ie: case studies, logo usage, reference call, EBC, speaker, PR/newsroom) 2. What is the criteria that needs to be met for a customer to qualify for the different reference types mentioned above 3. How to use the different reference types

#template-copy-share - November 02, 2023 at 07:59 PM

@Shannon Howard I’ve requested access, if you’re cool to share.

#random - November 02, 2023 at 07:56 PM

Thank you all for your detailed responses, lots of food for thought. Sounds like overall it’s a very high touch play, and needs brute force before it can scale.

#random - October 24, 2023 at 06:18 PM

Pre go-to-market customer marketing sounds amazing, hope @Scott Stransky can weight in here! It often feels like a scramble post launch 😓

#random - October 24, 2023 at 06:15 PM

@Amanda Peacock can you share more about the e early access program? Is it an always-on, automated, or one-off campaign? What types of channels do you use to communicate to customers?

#random - October 24, 2023 at 05:34 PM

Hi all, has anyone figured out creative but impactful ways of build momentum and case study pipeline for a new product/suite your B2B company has launched? Sales and product teams want case studies to boost their prospecting and launches but often there are either too few customers using the new product/suite or they’re not seeing success yet, and need more time.

#announcements - October 24, 2023 at 05:29 PM

Such a timely topic. I’ve recently joined a customer marketing role that reports to the demand gen lead. It’s been a challenge to set goals for my projects that align with the KPI’s of the team ( MQLs, sales qualified opportunities, pipeline) even when it comes to up sell/cross sell plays. 😅

#announcements - October 18, 2023 at 02:00 PM

Hi there, does anyone here run a weekly customer advocacy/stories meeting with stakeholders and have a meeting template they use. What I’d imagine would be useful to cover is case studies pipeline, field marketers share wishlist or updates on interesting deals closed, etc. anything else I’m missing?

#announcements - October 16, 2023 at 01:33 PM

@Austin can I take up your offer for a chat? I’m based in Singapore but can totally do late PM or early AM calls. Do you have any availability this week?

#lifecycle - October 06, 2023 at 08:18 AM

@Shannon Howard Yup, easily repeatable content, or only requiring minor tweaks like brand examples, or language based on geography. But on the topic of inviting as many people, often a user base might be too small, or potential yield so small that you’d get tempted to invite prospects to those webinars as well, but I think the content will then have to be more generic. So also keen to learn from anyone, when it makes sense to be creating webinars for exiting users only. Do you go based on install base/user audience size, or potential opportunities and $$.

#lifecycle - October 03, 2023 at 04:44 AM

Hi crew, anyone here has figured out how to run a scalable virtual event/webinar series for their B2B company focusing on products for existing users that has English and non-English versions? I’m keen to especially learn how you tackled scaling content creation and promotion.

#announcements - October 03, 2023 at 03:36 AM

Hi all, thank you for replying. @Austin does your bot only capture form responses? Or does it also churn out case studies and other recommended assets upon request as well?

#announcements - September 25, 2023 at 02:37 PM

Hi all has anyone set up a programatic customer reference submission/nomination process and a customer reference finding/search tool for their company? Anything done via slack (ie bots) or you might have a better solution? Plus points if it works with reference edge, saleseforce’s app.

#template-copy-share - August 03, 2023 at 04:33 PM

@Rachel Ward checking in to see if you ended up having something to share?

#template-copy-share - July 27, 2023 at 03:37 PM

Hi Rachel, thank you for responding to my Q. Looking in particular for any sort of email automation/programatic campaign examples that have been built from ground up. The process and goals set as well. Current tools include marketo for segmentation, creating drips and landing pages. Open to exploring new tools if needed. We do have a manual “health score” process to score customers.

#template-copy-share - July 27, 2023 at 03:08 PM

Hi there, does anyone have documentation on implementing marketing programs that use automation for cross sell and/or upselling in their SaaS company?