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Bria Jones

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#jobs - October 03, 2024 at 04:15 PM

Can vouch for @Caitlin Croft! I reported to her 🙂 She's awesome!

#discussions - July 18, 2024 at 05:21 PM

Got it! Thanks again @Tiffany P. Nguyen! Appreciate the insight!

#discussions - July 18, 2024 at 01:39 PM

@Tiffany P. Nguyen that would be great! My email is <|>, thank you!

#discussions - July 16, 2024 at 04:27 PM

Hi friends! Is anybody doing anything innovative/cool/different with customer newsletters that you might be willing to send me an example of? Or any platforms that you're using to send that are good to work with? We're pretty old school with our current newsletter so looking at all the ways we might be able to shake it up. Appreciate the insight as always!

#general - July 12, 2024 at 10:04 PM

Happy to chime in! I would say venue definitely matters. Especially if you’re asking c-suite to attend. They get invited to everything so a cool venue helps give you an extra hook to get them there.

#discussions - July 02, 2024 at 04:19 PM

Makes sense! Good to give ample notice for attendees. Here's what we're working on now in case it's a helpful framework: We are doing an Executive Dinner Series in Sept (internally we call it a roadshow) in partnership with a company we worked with to produce a retail-focused research initiative last year (any "meaty" topic that's trending in your industry would work of course) So we are going to 3 cities where we have the highest concentration of retail customers and we'll be using that research as the foundation for the dinners. They'll be treated to a high-end dinner/experience and then discuss the topics at hand with a moderator who will keep the conversation flowing. We work with sales to identify the right contacts to invite to these dinners to ensure its mutually beneficial for all attendees--who would benefit from talking to whom (good cross sell/upsell ops, etc.) The dinners will follow "Chatham House rules" which means the attendees will all agree to not repeat conversations outside of the dinner so that everyone feels comfortable to speak freely and have honest conversations. We also surveyed some of our most engaged C-suite contacts last year to see what topics and event cadence would be most enticing for them. They are invited to everything at that level, so we wanted to produce an event that they would be likely to attend. You could also treat it like a CAB and use the time to ask for feedback about products, programs, etc. happy to have a quick chat if that's easier or you have more questions!

#discussions - July 02, 2024 at 03:58 PM

Nice. I think smaller groups are the way to go for exec events. What's the time frame for your retreat? As in, how much time will be asked of your attendees? @Kati Jacobson

#discussions - July 02, 2024 at 03:03 PM

Hey @Kati Jacobson, I've been responsible for the Executive Experience at my company for a while now, happy to offer my thoughts! Couple of clarifying questions though: Do you know which customer executives you'll be inviting? As in, existing customers, prospects or a mix? And how many do you anticipate? Intimate gathering or a larger group?

#general - March 01, 2024 at 09:36 PM

That's the other one! I knew there was another conference I was forgetting! Thank you!

#general - March 01, 2024 at 09:17 PM

Hi all! For my professional development goals for this year, my boss has made room in the budget for me to attend a CM conference. I've never had budget to go before so I'll be a first timer (though I've been in Customer Marketing for years). Which CM conferences have you been to that are the most beneficial? Assuming there are multiples, I only know of CMA's conferences.

#announcements - March 01, 2024 at 09:00 PM

Sending YOU good vibes in particular! Tough to have multiple sick kiddos. Hope every one is on the mend soon!

#announcements - January 05, 2024 at 08:12 PM

@Rob Ayre great feedback, thanks! Totally agree about the comms plans. It's incredibly important to be transparent with customers, especially when they've been advocates for as long as many of them have been. I hadn't considered wiping out all the points at once, that's something to consider. It's a tricky situation, for sure though ha. @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) I don't know that we would need to do a forced redemption, though it could certainly be an option. Right now, most of our customers are only redeeming their points for passes to our user conference and that would be problematic for our conference budget ha. But I'm not overhauling the entire program right this second so that could be an option for 2025 once we've gotten folks to use up their points this year. We're planning to bump up the points required to attend for 2024, then formally launch an entirely new program in 2025. They can also use points for education services so we're doing some heavy promo for that too to get points used up. @Srishty Khullar I'll happily take you up on that. There's a lot of layers to overhauling a 20 year old program! I'll DM you shortly, much appreciated!

#announcements - January 05, 2024 at 05:14 PM

Hi All! I am managing an advocacy program that offers rewards for activities, has a point structure, etc. The program has been around for a long time (going on 20 years) and the points have never expired...until now. Leadership wants to overhaul the point structure and institute a point expiration (among other changes) going forward. Has anyone conquered this before? All the programs i've ever run always had an point expiration dates. So I'm curious how this was managed on the back end and ultimately communicated to customers, if anyone has any experience here!

#announcements - October 20, 2023 at 07:02 PM

Is anyone running executive-level advocacy groups/outreach? Curious to see what the most successful program elements have been for anyone who has done them before. Working on building out an executive program now!

#announcements - June 09, 2023 at 11:16 PM

Hey Keri, I used RO for many years and awarded points through it. Happy to chat anytime.