Jeff Reekers's Profile

Jeff Reekers

Recent Messages

#general - September 04, 2024 at 08:02 PM


#welcome - August 30, 2024 at 10:24 PM

👋 I’ve seen your posts recently on LI so it’s working!

#discussions - August 29, 2024 at 02:55 AM

Hi, Allison! _Executive team suddenly has a keen interest_ strikes me to my core, so I'm finding myself going deep on a reply here 😂. I don't know exactly how helpful this is to you, but as someone that _gave_ presentations like this _to_ execs, has been also been on the _receiving_ end as an exec, and has put a lot of work into many presentations, here's some thoughts... My best advice for any presentation is a framework of _feel, think, do_. Given you are presenting, what do you want them to _feel (Inspired - Customers love us!), think (_eg _Wow Allison knows her stuff!), do (Invest more in your area, start diving in with you on strategy, etc etc_). _Feel._ This usually hits best in the first slide, and execs lose interest fast. Start with a banger. Given customer stories are stories, marketing is all about stories, and creating _feel_ is ultimately a story, I'd consider shining a light on a niche customer story they may not be familiar with. Something beyond in the written case study that they wouldn't know. For example, I had someone in product marketing that was presenting on their work bringing us into an eComm vertical, once start a presentation off with a slide that just said, in 100+ font: LIFE-CHANGING. It was a quote from a customer, and she used that slide to then dive into the story behind that testimonial. Nothing else on the slide. And unlike 10,000 other slides I've seen in my life, I still remember that one. _Life-changing_... I just cant' forget it. And I was captivated for whatever came next on the slides. _Think._ I'm making an assumption, based on the inquiry, the execs aren't up to speed on customer stories to date, so catching them up on what you've accomplished, the process, etc _after_ the story will give them insight into how you're creating stories like the above. Ultimately it's less about sharing everything, and more about the process that cultivates the stories like the one you shared. And if you can bring in any impact/revenue metrics here, that's big (maybe win rates, maybe strategic narrative of developing a new vertical...) _Do._ I'd consider being ambitious about where you need exec alignment and help to go even further -- *have an ask of them.* _Stories like these are exciting, but we can be uncovering so many more!_ Do you need their insight on key verticals or segments to target, for example? Or do you know the stories are amazing, but maybe the ROI part still needs to be connected? All that's OK if you got the feel/think parts down. The presentations I best remember are the ones where I left thinking _Wow, this person knows her role, I simply need to support them more then I am today, and it's clear how I can do that._ And within this, execs have a bunch of other meetings that day, most likely. They will really take away 1 central message from the talk and remember what stands out. Create an experience that is what you want that to be. Just my thoughts - every team, situation, and exec team is different, so sharing from my limited experience only. It's a great opportunity and amazing the exec team is leaning in... get's me excited! Good luck!

#linkedin - August 02, 2024 at 07:41 PM

Saw this a little late but love this concept

#general - May 01, 2024 at 08:00 PM

Hi Jenna A friend of mine is a videographer, and while I was at Aircall, he helped us setup a video studio for events, case studies, etc. We brought it with us on travel, as well. The full list of equipment he shared is here: <> The camera and tripod are in the first couple of lines, and then additional add-ons under. I am far from a videographer but his insights, as I recall, were that these were the best quality + pricing match for this use case.

#welcome - May 01, 2024 at 07:49 PM

Hello from Minneapolis!

#open-share - March 19, 2024 at 03:29 PM

The other main metrics we were using: Onboarding CSAT, Product CSAT scores (eg, mobile apps). We got quite granular to track other measurements, but it ended up just getting into the zone of survey fatigue after that. We also centered our company strategy around something we called "11-star CX", which was an hour-long exercise we had for new employees and how their roles overlapped creating better customer experiences. I'd be happy to share that exercise if it could be helpful!

#open-share - March 19, 2024 at 03:24 PM

Hi Christa! A topic close to my heart! I oversaw our CX function for many years in my prior role at Aircall, which incorporated all customer happiness measurements, including NPS, CSAT, PSAT etc etc. NPS was at the core of this, and was a metric that we surfaced daily to our entire organization on Slack. The most important part of this, for us, was that every customer/user received their NPS at the same point in their customer journey, so we never did a blast, because too many variables would be inconsistent from one blast to the next. Those intervals were, generally (we made a few changes over time, but earmarked them in our reporting), 3-months post onboarding, then every 6-months thereafter. And same cadence if new users/licenses were added to an account. Users would receive NPS surveys in-app. This made NPS into essentially a “pulse”, and overtime became a powerful engine for us to predict churn & expansion (there were clear correlations that when NPS decreased, we’d see user churn 3-months later, and opposite when it increased), as well as conduct cohort analysis for different segments of the business.

#general - March 07, 2024 at 08:55 PM

haha YES @Amy!! @Allison Hughes what a cool experience! Yes, we'll have to share some stories sometime!

#general - March 07, 2024 at 05:50 PM

I used to write bylines and subject lines for forbes years ago. love that stuff! Unfortunately spunky wasn't in our brand at the time haha

#general - March 07, 2024 at 05:49 PM

_18 things (or however many questions in the survey) i think i'd love about you_ good gif opportunity within

#general - March 07, 2024 at 05:49 PM

_this survey is lonely_ 😞 or _help on question #3 ..._ _... and the rest of them_

#announcements - February 12, 2024 at 08:13 PM

That sticky note board is 🔥

#announcements - January 30, 2024 at 05:40 PM

Certainly want to help all ways possible, and would be happy to be a guest on this in any format.

#announcements - July 11, 2023 at 08:15 PM

Fantastic @Evan Huck! Really helpful content. References works for us.

#welcome - June 27, 2023 at 06:41 PM

thanks @Joel Primack!

#welcome - June 27, 2023 at 06:26 PM

Areas I can be of most help with: • gaining executive alignment / exec presentations • journey / change through company growth (specifically the 1-100M journey) • all things international • building teams

#welcome - June 27, 2023 at 06:19 PM

Hi All, My name is Jeff. First, thank you to @Rachel Ward for the invite, and @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) for the kind personal welcome + inviting me on the session on Fri July 7. I recently cofounded Champion, along with the wonderful &amp; brilliant [Gianna Scorsone]( &amp; [Courtney Crispin]( We started exploring the possibility earlier in the year, and through a number of feedback calls, I was taken aback at the welcoming spirit, supportiveness, and passion of the customer marketing community. I'm thrilled to be spending my days working on it and learning from you all. I’ll seek to add as much value to this community as I can, and please don't hesitate to reach out any time. Thank you for having me!