Leah Miller's Profile

Leah Miller

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#discussions - July 31, 2024 at 03:06 PM

Hi all! Does anyone currently utilize the SurveyMonkey <> Salesforce or Marketo integrations? We’re evaluating both and would love to connect with someone actively using one or the other.

#general - March 21, 2024 at 04:38 PM

Yeah, I think that’s the right approach and the better use of time might to make sure that I have the understanding I need in what’s available and how to use to make more effective recommendations.

#general - March 21, 2024 at 04:14 PM

Yeah, that’s definitely an approach we are working towards. I think that will help a lot. There have just been cases where that question is met with, well what’s available? OR what do you think?

#general - March 21, 2024 at 04:11 PM

@Shannon Howard In this case, it would be someone coming to my team with a request and either a loose sense of who they want to target, no idea at all and just want to send to everyone, or attributes that aren’t available within Salesforce/Marketo. I’m just finding that these conversations are more difficult than they need to be because there isn’t a shared understanding of what is available. Which I believe falls firmly on our team to solve for, I’m just not sure where to start 🫠

#general - March 21, 2024 at 03:49 PM

For folks who manage customer comms (specific to email marketing), how do you help inform stakeholders on the data fields or customer attributes available to help create audiences? A large part of my role is to help guide stakeholders based on what is available, but I’d love to help empower them and start from a place of more common ground and I’m curious how/if others are doing this.

#general - March 18, 2024 at 06:19 PM

@Daniel Palay can you share more about your webinar? Would love to register if it’s open to general public.

#announcements - February 01, 2024 at 02:54 PM

@Julie Neumeister I’d be interested in whatever you’ve got to share for the release webinars!

#announcements - January 31, 2024 at 03:56 PM

Following! This has come up as a high-interest initiative for us too.

#announcements - January 18, 2024 at 07:05 PM

Thanks all — Appreciate the validating insight.

#announcements - January 16, 2024 at 03:02 PM

Hi all! Hope everyone is having a great start to the year. We’re preparing for an integrated campaign with our demand gen team, and the topic of gated content has surfaced. I’d love to hear how others approach gated content for the customer audience. A few initial questions come to mind: • Do you have any standard rules in place for when you would or would not gate content for a customer? • If you’re not using a form, how are you measuring the effectiveness of content? ◦ Our DG team relies heavily on downloads/engagement as a success metric for content. When we promote content without a form, we run into the appearance of “not contributing” to success metrics for the content piece. Recognize this could be a larger conversation about content strategy, but interested to hear how others approach this topic!

#open-share - December 06, 2023 at 06:37 PM

Super helpful thank you! shifting my strategy to collect feedback async then using the time to review it and create an action plan for future projects.

#open-share - December 06, 2023 at 06:14 PM

Thank you both!

#open-share - December 06, 2023 at 05:26 PM

Does anyone have a framework for running a retro that they’ve found success with? I have 30 minutes and want to make sure it’s an effective use of the group’s time

#announcements - November 21, 2023 at 02:33 PM

@Irwin Hipsman would love to learn more about your governance team — what functions were represented?

#announcements - November 13, 2023 at 02:17 PM

We also have a revenue enablement team that has several recurring comms to our sales & success teams that I use to share upcoming campaigns or ad hoc sends to the customer audience.

#announcements - November 13, 2023 at 02:16 PM

Something I’m planning to do but haven’t executed yet (so no learnings to share) is create a slack channel re: customer comms where people in the org can join (optionally) to get a sense of what’s going out to who/when/why etc.

#announcements - November 10, 2023 at 08:02 PM

I have used Google Sheets in the past, it’s certainly not a bad option either, it just requires more upkeep like you mentioned. You have make sure all teams are updating. It would probably be helpful to have a person per team who’s responsible for updating and then at least while youre getting the process off the ground have regular syncs where you’re reviewing what’s on there

#announcements - November 10, 2023 at 07:53 PM

it’s hard to capture always on or trigger based sends in this view, so something to be aware of. it likely won’t solve both needs.

#announcements - November 10, 2023 at 07:52 PM

Assuming the other teams you listed are also using Asana, I find it to be an easy step in the process to add another project “Email Calendar” etc. to tasks that mark when an email is being sent. It all depends on who’s responsibility it is to keep the calendar updated, but I find wherever you can work within an existing process, that’s where you find the most adoption. Vs. asking a team to work outside of their process for the single use case of updating an email calendar.

#open-share - November 08, 2023 at 04:45 PM

@Brooke Wilson I’d say the response/success of the CSM portion of our newsletter is mixed. It’s not something we’re actively or intently tracking, mostly because while we create an Outreach template for them to use, they could and likely do take what we’ve put together and either make their own Outreach messaging or put it directly into Gmail so we lose tracking. We’re trying to train the reps to look for this outreach template the week after the newsletter is sent and to deploy it within that week, but it’s a slow adoption for sure.

#open-share - October 11, 2023 at 03:21 PM

@Heather Elliott Here’s a visual. Candidly, we try every month to cut down on text and it’s really hard. What typically follows this is ~3 more section headers with ~1-2 stories. We keep the section headers and types of content that go below them the same MoM.

#open-share - October 11, 2023 at 03:01 PM

@Maura Frost what it looks like at the moment is me working with a CSM leader to identify the top two “stories” featured, then placing them into an Outreach template with the sentiment of “you may have seen this, wanted to follow up specifically on these updates, happy to answer any questions or discuss further” with a CTA to schedule time. We didn’t always include this step, but received feedback that the CSMs felt they were missing out on an opportunity to engage with their customers by not sharing a monthly content round-up on their own.

#open-share - October 11, 2023 at 02:50 PM

Hi Heather! I run our customer newsletter at Sprout so I can share some background on how we approach it. Audience: We send it to all customer contacts as long as someone has logged into the account within the last 45 days. There are other more standard suppressions, but we try to keep it broad and applicable to most of our customer base. Timing: We keep it to a 1x per month touchpoint and send every third Tuesday with CSM-led follow-up one week afterwards. From a content standpoint, our goal is to use the newsletter to: • Inform and educate customers of new product releases • Promote upcoming events, virtual and IRL • Address frequently asked Support questions • Promote customer stories and other customer-focused content. Hope that’s helpful! I’ll grab a screenshot and attach as well for the visual 🙂

#announcements - September 20, 2023 at 03:06 PM

Nope, that’s also me!

#announcements - September 20, 2023 at 01:22 PM

@Melissa DiBernardo I wanted to come back and give more context, as I realize I left many of your questions unanswered in my excitement to hear what everyone else would add to the thread. Like I said, I serve as the customer comms manager for my org. I sit within the Marketing team, under Customer Marketing reporting to the Director of CMK. Within our larger CMK team, we also have a Community team, a Customer Lifecycle team, and Product Ed team. My role sits alongside these more niche teams and supports them through strategy & execution of the comms portions of their campaigns. The role is new to the org this year, so we’re still working through exactly how this works most effectively.

#announcements - July 21, 2023 at 01:31 PM

@Krutika Mathihalli What you are describing is very similar to the position I am in. Do you have any certain steps you follow, questions you ask yourself throughout the process, more specifically as it relates to crafting the messaging and making sure the list is as targeted as possible? Or maybe questions you ask the team that’s requesting the messaging so that their work can be the most targeted as possible?

#announcements - July 20, 2023 at 02:34 PM

@Irwin Hipsman i love that perspective, thank you!

#announcements - July 19, 2023 at 09:06 PM

Appreciate all the insight, thank you all! I’m connecting with our PR & Comms team next week, then will loop in Support.

#announcements - July 19, 2023 at 08:15 PM

That makes sense to me, and I think that’s a great call out that Customer Support needs to be part of the strategy as they’d likely be fielding the most incoming inquiries related to whatever the issue is.

#announcements - July 19, 2023 at 08:06 PM

Hi all! Does anyone have an established crisis comms framework? Ex. plans for how you might communicate mass billing errors, outages, etc. with customers if needed? I’ve made the ask to our internal PR & Comms team to see how customer messaging is built into their existing plans, but I’m curious if anyone has taken on this initiative from a customer marketing standpoint?

#lifecycle - July 18, 2023 at 01:24 PM

Our big lifecycle focus at the moment is revamping and expanding our Onboarding, Adoption, and Retention Comms. We just launched an updated journey from Day 0 to 170, so no results yet! We’ll be expanding into programmatic expansion later this year.

#lifecycle - July 17, 2023 at 05:38 PM

Hi Katherine, welcome! I recently listened to [this podcast episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-marketing-millennials/id1527434899?i=1000617137659) and thought they did a great job of laying out the steps/considerations when creating a marketing plan.

#welcome - June 05, 2023 at 03:57 PM

Hi all! I’m Leah, I manage Customer Comms at Sprout Social, based in St. Petersburg, FL 🌴 My background is in email & lifecycle marketing, and in this new position, I’m using that experience to build out a framework around how/when/why we (as a greater org and a customer marketing team) communicate with our customers. I’d love to learn more about how you’re all incorporating email & in-app campaigns into your customer marketing strategies, what’s worked/what hasn’t, and all things around programmatically communicating with your customers! Looking forward to connecting 😊