Brelynn Shantz's Profile

Brelynn Shantz

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#announcements - September 20, 2023 at 03:23 PM

I don't have numbers to help back this but I wouldn't say this is true in our experience... We're a B2B company and noticed that our target industry all talked to each other and those referrals were happening organically. We wanted to validate a bit so we simply added a "How did you hear about us? (Customer Referral, Event, Email, Search Engine)" question on our speak to an expert form to get a baseline/help build a business case why referrals would make sense.

#announcements - September 13, 2023 at 06:42 PM

I wasn't too involved in the decision making/switch but we recently stopped asking end users for NPS and started asking for UX Feedback for the different sections of the solution. NPS - wasn't giving the product team enough insights into which areas of the product they were happy/unhappy about. We still ask our admins/decision makers NPS to get a pulse on the account as a whole. So maybe depends what you're using NPS for

#announcements - July 27, 2023 at 11:09 PM

Wondering how many questions should we queue for a 1 hour fireside chat (we're doing an internal one CEO & a customer). Any other suggestions for what has worked well for you would also be appreciated. Thinking: • 5min - welcome/intro • 5min - Doing some kind of rapid fire or get to know you questions • 30mins of questions. I'm guessing ~6-8, better to have more and just not get to them. I assume there will also be follow up questions thrown in based on the answers. • 15 mins for staff Q&A

#random - July 25, 2023 at 03:15 PM

We used to host quarterly and have shifted to twice a year this past year, 1 hour, we're sharing the bigger projects on the roadmap and usually get customers to vote on which ones they are most excited for, they get to ask questions, give feedback, if we're doing any kind of beta/EAP we'll get customers to raise hand if they're interested, etc. We've been talking about doing a quarterly demo hour though with everything that's been released to gather additional feedback now that the roadmap has gone to 2 sessions.

#announcements - April 27, 2023 at 10:03 PM

#announcements - April 25, 2023 at 04:46 PM

Following - I just had this chat with sales yesterday to learn how they are using customer stories/social proof now, was a good exercise to see where I could best support. We don't have an enablement team so I'll be putting some resources together & working with our product marketing team to work it into our strat narrative as a starting point. Biggest feedback I got was finding a way to easily filter content to pull the best use cases out. A lot of our testimonials/stories are hidden in case studies or other content pieces and sales only wants to pull the pieces of the story that make the most sense but they don't have a good way to find them.

#announcements - April 24, 2023 at 06:56 PM

I'm not an SEO expert but I worried our legit reviews/case studies were competing for SEO rankings though since Featured Customers ranks so high. I've asked our team to look more into it so I can share if I ever get a better answer.

#announcements - April 24, 2023 at 06:49 PM

Not for paid but I don't think a free account hurts since you get to control all the content, someone would just need to manage it so you don't get a bunch of outdated stuff. I really don't think our buyers are going here looking for reviews and I don't know how much weight they even hold since it's not a recognized platform in our target industry. We had paid to get access to their Badges/Press Release and remove competitor ads but we're not continuing with that. Featured Customers has some really good organic keyword rankings which is why I think they want to keep it for SEO. But we're seeing lots of profile views but the content engagement is really low, couple reasons this could be but their analytics aren't detailed enough to know.

#announcements - April 24, 2023 at 06:03 PM

We have used Featured Customers (paid & free) - You should be able to edit all the content on the free plan, I believe you are just limited to how many stories you can post on the free version. At least for us we had to manually add all the content - testimonials/case studies/customer videos. The fact that you're listed as Premium and have all that content makes me think someone is paying from my experience with the tool. We're not actively using it to drive demand but our SEO team has asked to keep the listing for ranking purposes, so I haven't explored completely removing an account.

#announcements - April 19, 2023 at 04:09 PM

Our sales team was sharing this post yesterday, so it'll be interesting to see if any of them try it. My first thought when I saw this was I have a lot of Linkedin connections I don't necessarily know, so name dropping might not actually mean anything to me.... I'd almost add another layer, look at the 'star of the stories' recent posts and see who has been interacting with their posts and might actually value their thoughts. I get so many emails that try to add personalization and they completely miss the mark and I think it's just because teams aren't spending enough time doing proper research.

#announcements - March 30, 2023 at 10:44 PM

Not sure what kind of personalization features they are but I know sometimes automated personalization can fail if the data isn't correct... I wonder if there is a clever way to humour the fails in a relatable way, why your products prevent that. Ex. I'm sure we've all received the emails that say Hi [First.Name]

#announcements - March 28, 2023 at 04:07 PM


#open-share - March 23, 2023 at 10:12 PM

I have a question - I've previously offered giftcards for reviews but on G2 all of our reviewers request not to share their identity and we have no way of knowing who has completed it and can't follow up with the gift. I'm currently building out our review process so curious if you've come across anything similar and how you manage it?

#welcome - March 13, 2023 at 05:20 PM

Hi, I'm the Senior Customer Marketing Manager at Coconut Software. I've been on the Demand team for the last 6.5 years and ran our advocacy initiatives, launched CAB &amp; community but have recently moved into an official CM role where I'm taking all the random asks &amp; activities that have been happening and building out strategic programs so really looking forward to connecting and chatting with you all.