Jan Young's Profile

Jan Young

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#announcements - December 15, 2023 at 03:52 PM

@Alexie Glover sounds like you're trying to forge a partnership with your partnership team... 😅 Try putting it into WIIFM terms-- what's in it for them to do these things that will help you? How does it help them? You can also just straight out ask them how you can help them achieve their goals. If you're not reporting up to the same exec, then you can also try talking to your exec about how your two teams can align on some KPIs/ goals so you can all row together. That's not just good for you, it's good for the company!

#announcements - December 04, 2023 at 01:48 AM

Is this helpful?

#announcements - December 04, 2023 at 01:47 AM

And you need to find a way either at beginning or throughout that let's you measure impact.

#announcements - December 04, 2023 at 01:46 AM

But these goals need to be coordinated with the CS team and be centered around something impactful--

#announcements - December 04, 2023 at 01:45 AM

Start reaching out and do email campaigns about benefits or optimization, and provide information that can help them. You can include a survey question on the email or a CTA to either get info about where they are, or to join a webinar about how to do something. (Or both.)

#announcements - December 04, 2023 at 01:43 AM

So, if you have a general idea of where a customer ought to be in their journey based on their life cycle, start with an estimate by quarter cohorts. Then figure out which buckets of customers belong in each cohort. Then--

#announcements - December 04, 2023 at 01:34 AM

Do you have a customer journey?

#announcements - December 04, 2023 at 01:33 AM

Got it.

#announcements - December 04, 2023 at 01:32 AM

Do the CSMs know if the customers have done these 15 things? Which ones are the most important that lead to success vs churn? Is there a way for the CSMs to update your CRM? How closely are you working the CS to determine when CM emails) surveys would be useful?

#announcements - December 04, 2023 at 01:29 AM

Yeah, survey responses will be low unless it's part of a program that leads to improvements and they see a reason to participate.a Surveys because of a lack of telemetry is more of a company reason than a customer incentive.

#announcements - December 03, 2023 at 08:22 PM

@Ciana Abdollahian @Amanda Peacock What is the objective? What action are you trying to influence the customer to take and how do you know if they've completed it? Is that where you're having trouble getting data back? Do you have timelines that you're targeting to get them to complete these activities? Do you know how these activities relate to adoption or churn and which activities to target? Or are these the types of things you'd like to measure but don't have data for?

#announcements - September 11, 2023 at 01:09 AM

I'm so sorry @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly). We were able to save our long haired indoor cat from an impacted hairball-- seems like the equivalent of a dog getting lime disease. Tough to avoid if they're going to live a full life! We were lucky, she is still with us and we have hair brushes littered through our house, changed all food to help with hairballs, we give her hairball "goop"-- anything to avoid that scare again. Your dog was well loved, lived a good life, you did everything you could, and you have good memories. Our pets are pure souls. We're blessed to share time with them. If you want to share pictures, would love to celebrate the sweetness of your dog with you when you're ready. Let us know how we can support!

#announcements - May 13, 2023 at 07:21 AM

Interesting @Joel Primack thanks for sharing. Were the metrics oriented towards sales, or did they also have goals for current customers?

#announcements - May 13, 2023 at 01:43 AM

1. I agree the formatting is weird and makes it hard to follow the convo, but I think I got the main points. 2. @Joel Primack can you elaborate on the 3 marketing pillars that reported to your CMO? I'm very curious... 3. @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) I think part of the challenge is Customer Marketing has split identities between a focus on prospects and existing customers. a. Work for existing customers benefits from a closer relationship to the team that works with them (CS) b. Work for prospects benefits from a closer relationship to the team that works with them (Marketing) 4. But the real problem is that GTM is really pre-sales and post-sales. Pre- and post- are intimately related because they are all customers (future vs current). (Which is why I'm curious about Joel's example of 3 pillar Mktg program) 5. Marketing SHOULD have a focus on both pre and post, but in Sales Led Growth companies they do not because the CEO and investors/ board are focused on prospects/ new sales not current customers. This has been revealed as the problem that it is with our changing economy and expensive $. When customers no longer grow on trees and have to be grown through the post sales process, you need Customer Marketing to not only develop comms and materials for top of funnel but also for current customers. 6. SO... I would say CMs, Lifecycle, Advocacy, Community should all be under Marketing IF Marketing had goals for pre and post sales, but I haven't seen that animal lately. That's why I usually advise for CMs, Advocacy, Community to live with CS. 7. As for Lifecycle - I would love to get some clarity on that. That may be an area I'm weak on. It could be in part because as a consultant I help companies that are in trouble. I haven't seen any startups look at full lifecycle. I usually help them build out the post-sales customer journey. Anything I've seen from Marketing has been pre-sales focused. Any insights on best practices in this area would be welcome!

#announcements - May 13, 2023 at 01:19 AM

Let me know when you schedule that @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly)

#announcements - May 08, 2023 at 03:12 PM

@Maria Braune if you google eisenhower matrix, you'll find dozens of images and smartsheet has a template, lots of free resources...

#announcements - December 07, 2022 at 08:10 PM

@Val Geisler so nice of you to say-- I felt that way when I met you, @Kristine Kukich, @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly)... Can't wait to meet more folks this Friday!

#announcements - December 07, 2022 at 04:53 PM

Excited to join the conversation...