Hey everyone! We've been #1 in our G2 grid for 10 quarters now (which is amazing!), but I feel like saying "10 quarters in a row" is starting to become a bit repetitive. Any ideas on how to make this feel fresh and exciting again for marketing? Also, I’d love to hear any strategies that have worked for you in generating G2 reviews. Gift cards and incentives have been great, but I’d love to hear what’s worked for you, any fun or unique strategies that have helped? Would really appreciate your ideas! Open to chatting more on here or hopping on a quick call. Always open to connecting 🙂
10 quarters is pretty dang good/cool - sounds pretty impressive to me! better than "back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back G2 champions" 😉
In addition to the incentives, one of the big unlocks for our clients in building an engine that consistently sources g2 reviews is getting more sophisticated on the delivery of the "ask" in the context of the customer lifecycle. E.g. in-app asks to engaged customer via Pendo/Intercom/UserGuides, triggered surveys/emails via the CRM post-onboarding, post-renewal, or post product/usage milestone.
Giving CSMs/AMs/Sales People the ability to ad hoc send the ask when they know they have a happy customer is another good leg in the stool.
hahahah that is true! better than b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b lol.
and super interesting thought there! for it to be part of our customer lifecycle. we havent implemented something like this so far, but i'd love to add this into our strategy and also giving those folks the ability to send these asks and even arming them with language as well. amazing idea! thank you!!
Wonder if you could change it to something like "The unchallenged leader for over 2.5 years" or something to that effect.
Undisputed. Unparalleled. Industry leader for years and going.
love that language!!!
G2 allows you to also segment by SMB, Midmarket and enterprise. Depending on what's most relevant to your audience, you could shift your message to that category and/or slice the data by industry. If you purchase the reports, you can also get even more granular on other stats and ROI.
Maybe #1 on the G2 grid since Spring 2022?
• The highest rate of review completion I've gotten from customers who checked the box in our UserEvidence survey or google forms
• We are currently doing a CSM/AM SPIFF and it is working really well
◦ Was just two enablement sessions, outreach templates, ask slide, and email signature
• I have gotten a few from my customer newsletter too giving away "Limited edition swag"
Love that idea of more specific messaging, Jeanne!
and email signature is a great idea, Cara! We aren't currently doing that with our CSMs.
Thanks all for the ideas!
We just ran a gifting campaign with Thanksgiving-related messaging. We called it “fall into gratitude” and sent a Thanksgiving/fall gift (e.g., pumpkin spice brownies) to all customers who left public reviews. We generated +100 reviews in just 2 weeks (we used to get half of that each quarter). We also usually send a monthly automated email on behalf of our CRO/main face of our company to customers who have renewed that month asking for a review. Also generated good, ongoing results!
you could also look at like famous pop culture things that happened when you become #1 so like .. leader in the space since ... JLo and Ben's first marriage or since Tom Brady 'retired' the first time .. something pop culture and then use a gif of that with your badges
love these ideas!! thanks all. so much creativity.