
General Discussions & Topics


Sanne van Opstal-Brakel August 14, 2024 at 01:22 PM

Hi all! I have a #question. I work for a SaaS company and we have the desire and need to start an online community…. We are already doing smaller community type events like digital round tables (yes <@U04B82TD07M> they are finally happening thanks for everything you learned me on it) but the request tof our customer is an online form. Our management team is almost on board but would love to hear from another saas company on their experience with having a community, the why, how, what, successes, failures, lessons learned etc . Is there some one there that is willing to jump on a call with us on this?

Morgan Wright August 14, 2024 at 01:57 PM

Looking forward to hearing any insights you learn…im in a similar boat

Joel Primack August 14, 2024 at 02:34 PM

A few things to start the process:
• Go on a listening tour of your internal and external stakeholders to learn what they expect, hope, & dream of for the Community program at your company
• Set clear business outcomes (engagement or other fluffy metrics are not business outcomes)
• Learn how potential members what to engage and learn from their peers through the program
• Let the information you learn from your listening tour info your platform evaluation process
• Remember to continuously build with your members not for them
• Create a Code of Conduct (ideally in partnership with your early, active members) asap and treat it like a living document, as it’ll evolve as your community does too
• Identify your internal stakeholders early and inform them of updates of the program often since Community is a long game ➡️ Identify leading and lagging indicators of success for each program/benefit offered to members
Sharing this incredible Community Launch Plan document (view-only) from Brian Oblinger: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qEsTpoLZZoygWK66db3o1y9NUcSmgx3_WQUG8fPfHu0/edit
• Make a copy of it to adjust it to fit the need of your specific rollout plan for your program.
Also, tagging in @Max Pete and @Nicole Saunders, as I know they’ll have great insights to share with you too 😊

Max Pete August 14, 2024 at 02:39 PM

Joel pretty much nailed it! I'd definitely recommend checking out that resource.

I'd also recommend not being afraid of experimentation. Be okay with testing before committing to big initiatives, etc. Same goes for your platforming too. Don't feel like you need to spend $$$ on a platform and then realizing that members don't want to be active there.

Joel Primack August 14, 2024 at 02:43 PM

YES! As @Max Pete mentioned, lean into “Pilot Programs” early and regularly as you build out your Community program.

I’m running Part 2 of a Pilot Program for a client now. The community has been active for over 3 years.