

Shelly Ryder February 20, 2024 at 08:20 PM

What's this "Skyvera" company I keep seeing from various people who work at Influitive post acquisition? On our SFDC integration call today, we had somebody who was supposedly the head of professional services listening in, and his LI profile shows him as working for Skyvera. It's a telecom company?? BTW, our contracted "Solutions Engineer" to help with integration is a guy who has been with Influitive only since the acquisition and was no help at all today. He was encouraging us to paste screenshots of our problem in a support ticket. He promised answers by Thursday so we'll see...

Melissa Meyer February 20, 2024 at 08:43 PM

I believe Skyvera is part of Trilogy, in the same way that Jigsaw and Aurea are. It's a strange set up