

Melissa Meyer April 01, 2024 at 06:32 PM

Just a heads up if you're an active VIP poster/lurker, Influitive has turned on post moderation so any new discussion topic will need to be approved by their Admin. They've also deleted a ton of posts that mentioned product issues/deficiencies or the future of the company. Good chance if anything you ask could be seen as _negative_ in any respect, it won't be allowed on the platform anymore. As a former program admin for Influitive VIP, I'm really disheartened to see that.

Diana Gabroveanu April 01, 2024 at 07:51 PM

There's a strong community of admins on the ex-Influ slack here: https://join.slack.com/t/awesomeadvocateadmins/shared_invite/zt-2ctfqqjb6-upa2bWTmxDxA7wS98RmIfw - I'll message people 1x1 and invite them over. If you're still in please help.

Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) April 01, 2024 at 10:08 PM

I had kept the big thread of complaints when the acquisition started. We can also chat here too.