

Liza McGraw April 19, 2024 at 01:00 PM

Hi! I am interested in learning about google keywords vs. how they influence certain review sites. Right now, I am putting a presentation together on what buyer persona looks at what site / who clicks on G2 vs. TR or other sites. We pay for TrustRadius and G2. Has anyone run a keyword search report for review sites before or done an analysis like this for all review sites? If so, who did you connect with from your company to help you with these numbers? Any examples would be very helpful. Re-strategizing our review program at the moment

Axel Lavergne April 19, 2024 at 01:32 PM

Hey @Liza McGraw I used to run those analyses with the SEO team, they're usually the ones who know the SERPs best, and they have the tools (ahrefs, semrush, search console, etc) to get the numbers.

I'd recommend looking into "{Your brand} reviews", "{Competitor} alternatives", and "{Category} software", "best {category} software", etc.

If you're digging into categories, you might find this free tool useful

Laurie Timms April 19, 2024 at 04:18 PM

I came here to say I would work with my SEO guy (I call him that cuz he was amazing) at Splunk. But Axel has even better input here.

Liza McGraw April 19, 2024 at 09:20 PM

Thank you so much!