

Kristin Blye August 19, 2024 at 01:18 PM

Hello! I’m excited to make more customer marketing connections and grateful for this community. :earth_americas: *Location:* Boston, MA :bulb: *Work:* (previous) Customer Marketing and Advocacy Director - `and currently looking for my next big gig post-RIF` :dart: *Currently working on:* Developing my personal brand through LinkedIn articles and social engagement :heart: *Free time:* Raising two wild little girls, volunteering for my town’s Cultural Council, founder of Bookclub Babes Social Club (we meet once a month at a German beer hall to discuss murder mysteries) :heart_hands: *LinkedIn:* <https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristinblye/> :point_left: Let's connect!

Joel Primack August 19, 2024 at 01:42 PM

Hey Kristin — Sorey to hear about the RIF 😔 ❤️

Welcome to CMAweekly — an incredibly supportive, thoughtful, and value-add Community! It’s a good spot