Evan Huck
December 05, 2024 at 09:21 PM
BIG tactical guide we (UserEvidence) just launched today on how to create customer evidence content at scale that sellers and buyers need (
).This 33 page guide has a ton of practical resources (e.g. survey templates, invite emails, asset templates) you can use to start scaling up evidence (yes there's more to evidence to than just case studies/testimonials) creation today (it's UE agnostic as well so none of this requires a platform though of course we do steal some plays from UE and try to make them more DIY)
Here's the link to download the report - [here's my LI post](
If you have thoughts/comments/feedback would love to hear them - <
Sofia Silva
December 06, 2024 at 10:07 AM
Sounds like a good one! I’ll definitely check