
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Tim Jahn August 10, 2023 at 08:22 PM

What are your thoughts on keeping customer quotes updated in a customer quote/testimonial library? If the company is still a customer but the quoted person at the company no longer works there, can you still use the quote/testimonial? If no, how often do you review quotes to see if they're still able to be used?

Amanda Schulte August 10, 2023 at 08:26 PM

So I'm tasked with this currently and coming up with a system has been hard. Would love to hear what others are doing!

I currently keep all in a slide deck with approved quotes by customers that the company can use. If someone leaves I update the title with "former", for example, "Amanda Schulte, Former CMO of XYZ".

In a similar vein - what does everyone use to keep an updated list/repository of approved logos for use? This is proving the hardest for me to keep track of internally.

Cindy Aitken August 10, 2023 at 08:28 PM

Amanda - for logos, we created a deck organized by industry that we update quarterly. Essentially a single source of truth for the logos that are approved. It was a lot of work to stand up but has been helpful with managing the daily asks on this kind of thing.

Maria Braune August 10, 2023 at 08:28 PM

@Amanda Schulte - for the logo permission - we actually have a field within Salesforce that let’s us know how the logo can be used. We built a report for all advocates and that is field is an included column.

Amanda Schulte August 10, 2023 at 08:33 PM

@Maria Braune yes we have that too but my issue is that no one checks it and Sales just goes to use any logo with abandon! 😬

@Cindy Aitken that's what I'm currently doing as well, it just feels a bit archaic and hard to manage with just me doing it. Need to do some research on logo repository tech haha

Cindy Aitken August 10, 2023 at 08:35 PM

Yeah, it’s tough and does feel archaic. We did it this way to also ensure folks were using the right logo!

Jaz Cuevas August 10, 2023 at 09:25 PM

Hi there @Tim Jahn - do you have an admin in your org that reports on customers that have churned? If so, you should ask them to send you that list every time they pull it so that you can keep your repository up to date. I would review this list on a monthly basis.

In my past roles, we would remove any content from customers that churned from our sites and repository to be safe.

Emily Gover August 11, 2023 at 06:14 PM

we use airtable to store testimonials. we keep the testimonial even if the person has left the company — the information about the person/role was true when the quote was shared, and with high turnover rates at many of the industries we work with (tech/saas), it was too much for us to audit whether quoted individuals were still at their company

in terms of customer churn, we have an automation set up in airtable so that when the salesforce status of the customer indicates churn, we receive a slack notification alerting us. we then following a takedown/redirect workflow with the content + web teams