
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Becky Scott December 05, 2023 at 03:52 PM

We're planning to offer a spiff for sales and other groups that work directly with customers, to incentivize them to refer customers for case studies. Has anyone done this successfully? What were the keys to setting up the program properly?

Sarah Koval December 05, 2023 at 03:54 PM

👋 I've run several with our CSM team - main thing is manager buy-in, so make sure you meet with the CSM managers to get awareness. I'd also suggest getting on one of the team meetings to announce the spiff program and bring more awareness and stress the importance of what specific case studies you need (use case, persona, etc)

Sarah Koval December 05, 2023 at 03:55 PM

also, make it fun for them! I would regularly post updates of the leaderboard in their slack channels so everyone knows who is participating - good for the friendly competition as well as for the managers to see who is taking it seriously and getting customers involved

Amanda Peacock December 05, 2023 at 03:58 PM

echoing @Sarah Koval --

  1. biggest thing is knowing what YOU want -- is there a company size, persona, problem, industry that you're focused on?
  2. just as important as what you want is what you don't want .. having that set from the jump helps with prioritization.
  3. have a two-tiered spiff based on completion dates - first spiff is when the customer agrees. second spiff is when we get approvals for publication.
  4. give options outside of written case studies as secondary options (podcast guest, webinar speaker, etc) some companies will never be a good case study option but you still want to know that good story

Becky Scott December 05, 2023 at 04:01 PM

Good point. We do have multiple options available. Shorter videos, our weekly livestream, etc. Thanks for that reminder / call out.

Dean Shaw December 06, 2023 at 07:07 PM

One thing I have done is a two-prong approach. Have a prize incentive for the top individuals but also have a team goal where every one gets something. By "something" I used company swag package. The head a CSM like the promotion so much he chipped in gift cards from his budget.

THe keys:
• Of course get full-throated buy in my CMS leaders
• Get support from you manger and secure budget for whatever prizes you offer.
• Make the program clear
• Make the program simple
• Make targets/goals achievable
• Update CSMs on progress and keep encouraging them
• I had bigger prize packages for different levels for the team challenge. This ensures that there is always another level to achieve so they dont give up