
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Krutika Mathihalli October 11, 2023 at 12:05 PM

*Named Case Studies vs Masked Case Studies* I work with some customers who are super secretive in having their name associated with the case studies that we create. I want to focus more on creating more named case studies, but increasingly, I've been getting approval to document only masked case studies. Although they are great stories, I can't help but feel like this is not as impactful as a named case study. It's a challenge currently as my pool of customer collaterals is steadily increasing, but with the majority of them being masked stories. Have any of you experienced this? I'd love to hear your insights on obtaining approvals for more named case studies.

Joel Klettke October 11, 2023 at 12:39 PM

This is really common; you’re not alone!
While it can be frustrating not to get the logo, you can still have an incredibly powerful story that’s anonymous. Sometimes, that cloak allows you to get far more into the metrics and details than you ever could in a named story!

That said, if you want more named stories…

  1. Evaluate how you’re asking. Are you asking for a “case study” (scary) or a success story, customer feature, customer profile, impact story, etc.? The wording matters.
  2. Lead with process and control: make sure those you’re asking know they have veto power over the details of the story and that there’s an efficient and effective process to make sure they love how they’re presented.

  3. Tout the benefits. What’s in it for them? Positive press? A link? Potential customers? Clout with their boss or industry? Frame it as a benefit.

  4. When facing rejection, offer other ways to contribute: webinars, speaking ops, guest posts, etc. and build from there.

  5. Use samples! Show them who else has already taken part and found it to be a great experience. Hell - get some quotes and sound bites about that positive experience from those who have taken part!