
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Maria Braune January 02, 2024 at 07:30 PM

Hope everyone had the most amazing holiday and were able to enjoy some time with friends/ family and lots of time to relax! Question for you all as I look to increase exposure into our advocacy program internally - what tools are you all using to ensure that your program is fully transparent and folks are able to see what you are working on? We are working on a global calendar and creating a committee of Product/ Marketing/ CS/ Events folks that will play “gatekeeper” of their own teams. I am hoping that this will help to increase transparency but wanted to see what else everyone is doing!

Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) January 08, 2024 at 04:09 PM

Hi @Maria Braune I cant believe this didnt get more responses. I think @Ari Hoffman would have some ideas. I know that @Liz Oseguera has done a lot to make sure the Sales department was able to see into her efforts at Airtable.

For me, I really put a lot of time into sharing with each team, whether through a Slack message to share an update (pasted into multiple team channels or Private messages) or through the Board of Community I had set up (this would include metrics for advocacy). But it did come down to making sure I knew my numbers and could weave them into conversations. A lot of my colleagues didn’t want to come look at my dashboards/resources, they wanted to ask me a question, and it was usually worth it to just answer and share the link (again) where they could see more if they chose.