
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Rebecca Grossman October 05, 2023 at 02:01 PM

Hi - my PMM team is rethinking how they announce new product releases to customers - does anyone have a document outlining roles/responsibilities between PMM and Customer Marketing (for the lifecycle, engagement part of the role) - eg who does what, and how are you informing customers of feature launches, enhancements, etc. Thank you!

Shannon Howard October 05, 2023 at 03:04 PM

The way I've done this in the past is that product marketing owns internal enablement and communications and messaging & positioning. Customer Marketing owns segmentation and the actual communications. The reason for this being that product marketing language tends to be very high level, and customer marketing tends to be more personal. We can use segmentation and more "human" copy to better share the release and help them take the appropriate next steps (turn on, check out, activate, take this training, etc.)

Melissa DiBernardo October 05, 2023 at 03:17 PM

We operated similarly as @Shannon Howard

Rebecca Grossman October 05, 2023 at 05:46 PM

Thank you @Shannon Howard and @Melissa DiBernardo - what about making assets? Who makes the videos, one pagers, webinars or other customer facing, non documentation materials?

Shannon Howard October 05, 2023 at 06:03 PM

Product marketing: release notes, product release videos, one-pagers, get quotes from beta participants
Customer marketing: Customer webinars, use quotes from beta participants to tell the story to other customers