Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members
Hi @everyone, this week’s newsletter is out and it is PACKED full of content.
The biggest piece of news: We have Sponsors!! ⭐
Welcome UserEvidence, Champion, Orca, and Advocacy Maven as supporters of your professional development in Customer Marketing & Advocacy 😁
Thank you @Evan Huck @Mark Huber @Jeff Reekers @Gianna Scorsone @Scott Grimes @Andru Creighton, and @Diana Gabroveanu for helping our community.
Check out the issue here and subscribe. Next week I’ll release our new Tech Portal on the website and subscribers will hear about it first.
Here’s the newsletter
YAY! Thank you all for investing in this space.
UE is super excited to continue supporting - thanks for the opportunity @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly)!
We’re excited to be supporting the community! Thank you @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) for your commitment to the industry!
Super excited to be staying on as a sponsor and partnering with you and the community @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly)!