
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Angela Kelleher October 26, 2023 at 09:32 AM

Hi Everyone I’m creating a pitch deck to try and convince our Exec level team that we need to invest in the services of a certain peer review site. The big question that will be asked is as follows: ‘How do you drive retention and growth through positive Customer Reviews?’ I feel like the answers I am coming up with are very fluffy (e.g. Share on social media to drive awareness and confidence). Does anyone have ideas for more hard hitting answers?

Marie Elliott October 26, 2023 at 11:24 AM

We've started using Mutiny to track variants of our landing pages and those with social proof higher on the page are seeing a lift in conversions. (So are video tests, which isn't surprising).

I also get a lot of pressure from sales to get more reviews, so maybe chat with your team to see if they can corroborate a need for third party verified customer feedback.

Online review sites also ask reviewers if they want to be references which is another source of case studies if you need one. I've found not many go that extra step but we've gotten a couple.

Joel Klettke October 26, 2023 at 02:01 PM

  1. We will be able to mine these reviews for insights on our positioning and messaging. Something every copywriter worth their salt does is look at voice of customer to find new and effective ways to communicate your offering and value.
  2. We will be able to bring the proof across into other areas: sales decks, landing pages, social activity, perhaps even newsletters or other areas of our sales and marketing
  3. We can use reviews as a stepping stone to deeper customer content: for example, those who take the time to share a review may also be more likely to be open to being featured in case studies/success stories, webinars, panels, etc. as well as being referenced.
  4. Many of these reviews sites have very strong SEO and will help you own more of the conversation around your brand name + reviews, which means you have some control and influence over what those who evaluate you as an option will encounter.
  5. We know for sure that prospects seek out peer insights and reviews when making their decisions. Having stronger visibility and more depth to your reviews can help make you part of their consideration set — while your absence on these platforms can be suspicious or worse, mean you aren’t part of their consideration at all.
  6. A customer leaving a review creates a natural opportunity to reach out personally and celebrate with a customer; it’s another natural touchpoint in the relationship to build on.

Joel Klettke October 26, 2023 at 02:03 PM

If your leadership is dead set against investing in the paid service portion, try a DIY pilot with some low hanging fruit positive customers to show them what’s possible. Go manual and try to generate just 10 or so reviews, and then go through the paces of incorporating them where you can, leveraging them, etc. to show the potential in action.

Joel Klettke October 26, 2023 at 02:03 PM

It’s kind of addictive because once you’re on there, it’s like a scoreboard: how many do we have? What’s the sentiment? Who is leaving them?

Angela Kelleher October 26, 2023 at 06:47 PM

@Marie Elliott @Joel Klettke thank you so much for these nuggets of gold. Really appreciate it!!!