
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Rebecca Grossman February 01, 2024 at 12:53 PM

Hi all- I've been quiet for a while - heads down on our upcoming customer conference and my teams is in charge of the entire event! We are hosting an awards ceremony during dinner. Does anyone have a template/event run of show for an in person awards presentation at dinner? Or anytime of day? Or any tips? We are running a bit behind and I need to get this figured out ASAP. Thank you!!

Shannon Howard February 01, 2024 at 01:53 PM

@Kevin Lau @Daniel Palay @Rachel Ward may all have good insights

Kristine Kukich February 01, 2024 at 02:24 PM

  1. Determine how detailed a presentation you would like for each award, and if the presenters will be different. For example, do you want to highlight why this group won? Or just announce winners. It comes down to time. If you have a lot of awards, smaller speeches.
  2. Do you want the winners to give a speech? Outline that with them in advance.
  3. Intro at dinner by MC outlining the process in addition to the benefits of the awards.
  4. Get them done as quickly as you can. Attention tends to wander, and people want to talk with others at their table.

Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) February 01, 2024 at 02:42 PM

@Michael Sciano

Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) February 01, 2024 at 02:43 PM

Reach out to Michael if he doesn’t respond

Michael Sciano February 01, 2024 at 04:06 PM

The master herself - @Becky Susko should be leveraged here! I just stole/copied what she did!

Becky Susko February 01, 2024 at 04:39 PM

Hey @Rebecca Grossman! I don’t want to double hit you with my run of show info for the ceremony that I used this past fall (I left it for you in the customerx community). Here to help!

Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) February 01, 2024 at 04:52 PM

Id love to see it @Becky Susko

Becky Susko February 01, 2024 at 06:33 PM

So I was saying in the other chat that in 2023 for the CustomerX Impact Awards we focused on using more video engagement which is great in presentation/engagement but took a lot of herding cats (this project is truly a labor of love for me). In my mind it was worth it because I just don’t think a photo/name/title does the finalist any justice when the criteria is focused on the impacts they are driving. But when pressed for time its great to integrate videos especially from award winners who might not be able to attend or be there in person.
This was my planned run of show for 2023: Photo ops included: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rWkTG1RVev-vHYgFCinEpu3aujW_nSfwjygMD42o8E8/edit?usp=sharing Our category montages included either video, voice, and or content that we used with voice over.
Ugh it won’t let me attach my presentation with the videos (its too large 💀). Obviously this didn’t include the speakers for each category (we used past winners and judges to provide the award hand off).

Becky Susko February 01, 2024 at 06:35 PM

Let me see if I can at least attach a video or two from it. In any case this is just what goes into the ceremony but when we first launched this award in totality from idea to ceremony we were able to do it in 8 months time.

Becky Susko February 01, 2024 at 06:36 PM

https://www.customerximpact.com/ which I think is impressive for a joint award program (two brands powering it)

Becky Susko February 01, 2024 at 06:39 PM

if you need a good award trophy vendor I have one on Etsy that although out of the states can turn trophies around quickly and any or all other award questions/advice I’m here for that too. 😃 Also if you want me to send you that presentation via email shoot me a DM with your email and I can try sending it that way.

Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) February 01, 2024 at 08:09 PM

I can add files to the cmaweekly website if you’d like. I’m sorry I missed the other chat 😞