
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Janet Saliba February 01, 2024 at 03:17 PM

Hello everyone! I'm working on our customer advocacy plan (never was one) and I wanted to ask which benefits or rewards you offer to your advocates? what do you find motivate customers the most? swag ideas? gift cards? something else? my main goal in launching the program is to increase our customer generated content (success stories)

February 01, 2024 at 03:30 PM

We found that ~70% of advocates will prefer gifts cards, especially in the US (also executives). Around 20% will choose donations. Swag is great, but usually a headache. I suggest A/B testing and seeing what your customers prefer.

Amy February 01, 2024 at 03:30 PM

peer networking, exec access, invitation-only peer workshops, industry awards

Amy February 01, 2024 at 03:33 PM

@Janet Saliba talk to @Evan Huck about how UserEvidence can help you with customer generated content, they have a gift card program they can bake into the process so you don't have it try and navigate the distribution of gift cards yourself...highly recommend 🌟

Laurie Timms February 01, 2024 at 06:16 PM

This is not scientific, but I’ve had success with using the Sendoso choice option. Basically you select a series of gift options (I think it was up to eight) and let the customer choose. It mostly works well on their platform.

Evan Huck February 01, 2024 at 07:15 PM

thanks @Amy - yea if content creation from happy customers it the goal, def working talking to us (UserEvidence). No idea if it's a fit, but we do like security vendors 🙂

Re gifting thru UE or other sources -depends a bit on the method/scale of delivery. If it's large scale, obviously it's tough to personalize - so using gift cards or similar is pretty standard and works ($25 is kinda the magic amount - diminishing returns after that). Postal, Sendoso, Reachdesk, Alyce, etc all work great (independently or w/UE). To @ points, depends on the audience a bit. Donations do work better at VP level + (obviously $25 doesn't move the needle for an exec but they appreciate supporting cool causes)

One kinda cool thing tho if you can have more of a 1-1 approach, use Postal or something but give the rep or whoever works with the customer a budget and let them be creative with how they use it. E.g. we're #2 in this post - one of our reps noticed a post about a prospect who adopted a dog and sent dog treats via Postal. That creativity/personal touch obviously has a big impact.

Kaily Baskett February 05, 2024 at 08:08 PM

@Janet Saliba what persona of individuals will be in your advocacy program and what types of advocacy activities do you want to drive them to do?