
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) June 19, 2024 at 02:49 PM

<!everyone> in case you didn’t see it in <#C06JXSTARJR|general> *All Good Things Must Come To An End…* *TL;DR* I’m exhausted from running the community, and financially need a break, I’m looking for a buyer, then taking the summer off. Please help me find the right buyer. Two years ago I started CMAweekly with weekly zoom meetups. In the two years I’ve learned a lot of things about myself, the tech space, relationships and people. Like many others in the space, it’s been hard to monetize the community and hard times and emotions make it even harder. Simply put, I’m awful at selling myself, my services and my knowledge. I’m awesome at giving it away for free. And, I had hoped that would eventually lead to offers for work, sponsorships, etc. Unfortunately, those offers haven’t panned out, save for a 6 month successful sponsorship pilot with Champion, who they didn’t have the time to benefit as much as they could from the engagement, but assured me they had wanted to continue. That’s business. It’s exciting, often rewarding and other times harsh, painful and exhausting. *What’s Happening?* So while it’s been wonderful to build the CMAweekly community, it’s time for a break. *I’m looking for a buyer*, one who will continue to grow the community and support CMAs. What’s included: newsletter, YouTube channel, recordings, website, Slack workspace, CMAweekly name, list of members/subscribers, accounts on Grain, Zoom, Luma, Beehiiv, and anything else I dig up. Be sure I’ll be looking out for the community’s best interests while evaluating offers. I want to thank everyone who has been supportive, especially those who saw the value and supported the community financially. THANK YOU. It’s been a pleasure to meet, help, and learn from you all. But, I need a break!! :) Please share this message, tag people who might be interested, and send companies my way.

Ari Hoffman - Amplitude June 19, 2024 at 04:55 PM

I’m sure everyone here is both extremely sad for themselves and happy for you at the same time. You’ve put more sweat equity into supporting the CMA profession than anyone in the world, that says something, @Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly). Nothing else in our space provides as much value or engagement. You have brought so many people together, repeatedly. Seriously, I get it, you deserve a break and a paycheck, but nothing will be quite the same without you being the wheel. I’m your biggest fan!!!

Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) June 19, 2024 at 05:00 PM

TY Ari you make me tear up.

Ari Hoffman - Amplitude June 19, 2024 at 05:01 PM

You truly are an inspiration