
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Kendall Matthews September 14, 2023 at 04:11 PM

Curious - Would anyone be interested in participating in a repository with a list of companies that you and others have partnered on for case studies? I feel like it could be helpful when reaching out to customers to know ahead of time that they are allowed to do case studies for vendors. Of course, the research can be done, but I thought a list would be helpful! Maybe there is something like this already also?

Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) September 14, 2023 at 04:16 PM

That’s a great idea, I wonder how it would best work.

Lauren Higbee September 14, 2023 at 04:24 PM

It would be tricky because the submitters would have to be anonymous most likely. You would also want to ask things like how long did it take to produce, what industry the case study was in, etc. For some reason I'm imagining the customer marketing version of the FYPM database.

Kendall Matthews September 14, 2023 at 04:27 PM

@Lauren Higbee If the case study is public, would the submitter need to be anonymous? It's more just to get an idea of which companies don't have strict policies around participating in case studies.

Lauren Higbee September 14, 2023 at 04:31 PM

I think so if they discuss the process around getting the case study, which is where I'd find more value. Knowing that Disney did a case study for Brand A doesn't mean they'll do one for my brand if we don't have the right relationships in place, audience crossover or some other "cool" brand factor. Disney might be happy to do a case study about a partnership with a hotel their customers might stay at but less happy to do one about their legal department's contract software.

Lauren Higbee September 14, 2023 at 04:33 PM

But if you just want to know that Disney has ever done a case study, then no it wouldn't have to be anonymous. (Just using Disney as a random example)