
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Kevin Bendixen May 04, 2023 at 07:26 AM

At the beginning of this year I rejoined our marketing team (for the last two years I was responsible for customer education) and now I’m tasked with doing some customer success stories. There is no real process or template from previous ones and I’m pretty free to come up with anything. Do you have any tips or things I should be aware of not to do? To keep work on my side to a minimum (#domorewithless :wink: )I was thinking of sending a couple of questions via email instead of real interviews.

Liz Richardson May 04, 2023 at 01:41 PM

I’m a fan of a recorded interview. The beauty of a live interview is the ability of course to pivot and allow some nuggets of insight to find their way in. However, I am finding more and more that a recorded interview gives you so much bang for buck:
• Video segments or the long-form interview
• Audio clips
• Podcast
• Transcript from which you can create an easy blog post
• Formal case study if you want to go that direction
• Quotes