

Mary Green (Owner CMAweekly) March 04, 2025 at 06:18 PM

How do you keep the reference pool fresh, @Sarah McCoy? Continuous recruitment?

Sarah McCoy March 04, 2025 at 06:21 PM

Yep! Hopefully you have levers you can pull from (NPS promoters, CSAT, a CSM/Account Manager database so you know who your potential targets are). I'm often in situations where I'm being asked for SUPER specific use cases or integrations, so in theory I can keep the pool fresh that way. BUT, sometimes you have a limited number to choose from until that handful of customers with that specific use case grows.... I think building as much of a relationship with the customers you're using as possible is the best approach - so they feel like partners and VIPs vs. customers we're asking to do us favors all of the time. Reminding them that they're the expert. Sending thank you notes or swag (whatever you can afford / have the ability to do).

Sarah McCoy March 04, 2025 at 06:23 PM

And also taking the time to find out some use case details about the newer customers you're proposing. The reason folks want to use the same 5 advocates all of the time is maybe you have case studies or video testimonials on them so everyone is comfortable with their "story" and what they'd say on a reference call. They need to have the same kind of trust in that net-new reference you're suggesting so you just have to find ways to get them comfortable. Sometimes it's having a prep call with the new reference customer and the account managers. OR having a CSM / AM vouch for the customer via email.

Sarah McCoy March 04, 2025 at 06:23 PM

You need to help suss out any potential "gotchas" that could come up on a reference call and totally kill the deal... beforehand!