Last year, @Daniel Palay and @Katlin Hess helped me prepare for a customer speaker at RKO. Doing that again this year, so figured, in case this is also on your Q1 agenda, I'd share my prep doc with y'all to steal from. 🙂
For a gift, we did:
• Swag from the RKO
• Nice note signed by everyone in attendance (especially execs)
• Good chocolate 🤤
• A $75 gift card to the local butcher (his fave spot in town. haha)
If you've got other ideas, throw them in the thread here so we can learn from each other!
We had another one of these during our midyear planning/kick off this past August @Shannon Howard where we threw in another little carrot for our customers who joined us...
Aa private little (CAB-esque) feedback and planning session with our SE and Product leadership who happened to be in town as well for the event. Plus we had a VIP dinner that night for them.
Love that, @Daniel Palay!