
Important info for Customer Marketers & Community members


Cristina Levenetz November 01, 2023 at 08:25 PM

hi everyone! Looking to get peoples take on when to send NPS/CSAT surveys. I've always worked with CS teams that would send them out after touchpoints like after onboarding is done, after a support ticket is closed, post QBR at at specific time intervals (every 3 months). What has been your org's experience?

Ornella MariƱo November 01, 2023 at 11:27 PM

Hi! I recommend you to search about the differences between Transactional vs Relational surveys. What you have mentioned are transactional, I mean you focus on a specific phase of the CJM. A relational survey try to understand the brand satisfaction. I think the best is both. Of course, as you say is very important to avoid the customer burning out, so the time intervals should depend on your business. Relational are used to be done once or twice a year.